21. März 2009

I am, of course, not talking about anything religious. I am talking about the magnificent series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

I have to admit, the whole story line of the Opera House and God's plan for Baltar, really had a rather weak end. Like Baltar I was scratching my head, was that all? Why yes it was. And now that I am thinking about it, I am glad that that was all.

Because it leaves the viewer with the characters for the final scenes and not with the story. Kudos to our magazine reading New Yorker citizen Ronald D. Moore. You have done it. The journey is complete. I fell that I don't need to bite my nails every week because I have to wait another 7 days for the next great episode.

But I have to admit, that I liked the journey and the mystery more than the destination. Storywise the climax was happening in the CIC where all the players got together, and boy everthing was happening fast. There could have been a peaceful solution but what destroyed it? The death of Cally! Suprise. Wow, I now see that from another perspective and I totally agree with Tigh. You can't blame Tyrol. Tory deserved it, although she didn't have much to do lately.

The flashbacks payed somewhat of. It seems fair that when we get to see, where the characters end up, we should see where they start. Which is right at the beginning. Baltar at farming, who would have thought. I wished for Lee and Kara to end up together, but that was rather fanboyish. The Kara thread is not resolved and I feel a bit cheated. Hera ending up as Eve for "our" humanity did not really impress me.

I sure hope that the rest of the Cylon race was not wiped out by the accidental destruction of the colony and there are still some Simons around. But what about them and what about the centurions? Another fanboyish dream was not fulfilled. Seeing all the 12 cylon models in one scene. Maybe that will happen in the movie "The Plan" but I doubt it.

The finale was full of great images and metaphors, but I really wished for a stronger image for the final voyage of the Galactica. I liked the scene with Adama sitting by Roslin's grave and it's hommage to Star Trek Generations. What suprised me, though, that there were no other major character deaths except the inevitable Laura Roslin.

And there was the not to subtle message "Don't let this [the circle] happen again!". Thanks Ron! One last question I have for you. What is left in this finale of what you have conceived when you created the miniseries?

All in all the finale was a blast, with ups and downs and moments for everyone. It was a great ride and a proper send off for one of the greatest and boldest series on television.

One word: WOW! (Meaning 5 of 5 stars)

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