31. Januar 2009

This is for everyone who is as blown as me as two of the greatest television series draw to their close.

The first one a little quicker than the other one. I am, of course, talking about Ronald D. Moore's Battlestar Galactica and J.J. Abrams' Lost, the best your television has to offer right now

I planned this entry as a battle between the two shows. I would rate each week's episode and give the show with the better rating a point. But I after saw friday's "The Oath" of Battlestar Galactica I have to say that it compares in no way to wednesday's Lost episode "Jughead". They were both absolutely brilliant.

Both shows introduced an intriguing set of characters last year. The freighter folk on Lost and the Final Four on Battlestar. Well, the four cylons are not entirely new characters, but that add the necessary spice to the mix, that now pays of. In fact both shows pay off at the moment. Battlestar has to, because the end is coming at a fast pace and I am dying to find out how everything will happen again. I actually believe that Starbuck is a younger Ellen and therefore a cylon. And because everything has happened before and will happen again, the finale will not be a flash back, but a flash forward (Lost anyone?). I will uphold these theories until proven otherwise.

As with Lost, this show it also paying off. They are not waiting for the last season next year. The show is really spinning my head in a positive way. I love science fiction so I love the time travel aspect. It really gets me. The advantage Lost has are the characters. I know all the characters, I can relate to them and they have strong connections to and conflicts with each other. But because these characters are fully developed, the show can't spend any time on them any more. It has to focus on something else like the time travel aspect (and gradually reducing the red shirts [background characters] *lol*). "Jughead" introduced us to Charlie Hume, young Charles Widmore, the "first" meeting between John Locke and Richard Alpert. And I don't think the show will pause for a minute this season.

The greatest things about Lost and Battlestar Galactica is that the viewer still doesn't know the grand plan, how everything is going to end. The shows show us the road, but not the destination. But unlike other TV shows, the show runners know the destination.

Ronald D. Moore, J.J. Abrams, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof along with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman are some of the greatest minds in the entertainment industry right now in my opinion. They know their stuff, their audience and how to turn great stories into images, that the viewer loves and cares about.

You better watch out for Star Trek and Tranformers 2 (Revenge of the Fallen) in your summer 2009 blockbuster schedule.

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